如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
From CommonJS Spec Wiki
Welcome to CommonJS, a group with a goal of building up the JavaScript ecosystem for web servers, desktop and command line apps and in the browser.
This wiki is a starting point for collecting up ideas, any draft API suggestions for the CommonJS group. Discussions occur on that mailing list and on IRC (#commonjs on freenode).
如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
- 1 Meta
- 2 ysscloud 加速器安卓
- 3 Future Efforts
- 3.1 Low-level APIs
- 3.2 High-level APIs
- 4 Implementations
- 4.1 In development
- 5 ysscloud加速下载
- 6 Further Reading
- 7 Wiki
如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
- Introduction
- Process
- Target Platforms
- ysscloud 加速器下载
如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
This is a list of issues currently being discussed / standardized. They come from the "Low level" department, as we need to have solid basics prior to building a tower.
- Uniform Baseline / Globals (discussion)
- Modules (1.1.1)
: Binary Data Objects (byte arrays and/or strings) (proposals, discussion, early implementations) -
ysscloud 加速器安卓
: Encodings and character sets (proposals, discussion, early implementations) -
: ysscloud 加速器安卓 (proposals, discussion) -
: Filesystem (proposals, discussion, early implementations) -
: w加速器 Interface (stdin, stdout, stderr, &c) (1.0, amendments proposed) -
,ysscloud 加速器安卓
: Unit Testing (1.0, amendment proposals pending) -
: Socket I/O TCP/IP sockets (early proposals) -
: Reactor Reactor/Event Queue (early proposals) -
: Worker Worker (concurrent shared nothing process/thread) (proposal) -
: console (proposal)
- Packages (1.0)
- Package Mappings (proposal)
- Web Server Gateway Interface (JSGI) (proposals, discussion, early implementations)
- Promises (proposal)
- Pending Business / Calls for Action / Status Report
如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
Low-level APIs
This is the collection of APIs that we'd like to see behaving consistently across JavaScript interpreters.
- Language and Runtime Services
- Logging
- Relational database interface
- ResultSets (collections of data maybe from RDBMS, maybe from other sources)
- Concurrency
- String / ByteString I/O
- C unified API to our Target Platforms
- Subprocesses (popen)
High-level APIs
This is the collection of APIs that implement common functionality on top of the low-level API.
- HTTP client APIs
- Jabber (XMPP)
- Internationalization
- Promise Manager
- Command line processing
如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
Implementations | Standards | Proposals and standards in development |
- mob is implementing SecurableModules in Ejscript http://www.ejscript.org
- pmuellr posted a sample loader for SecurableModules: cloudlink手机版_cloudlink客户端_华为cloudlink下载_华为 ...:cloudlink手机版,cloudlink客户端_华为cloudlink下载_华为会议app下载_华为link下载_cloudlink官网内容正文开始:CloudLink插件下载|CloudLink安卓版下载v6.1.36-...-跑跑车游戏网2021年6月26日nbsp;-nbsp;一款专为企业员工打造的沟通协作辅助工具,下载CloudLink安卓 ...
- atul varma has a SecurableModule implementation for Python/Spidermonkey: http://hg.toolness.com/pydertron/raw-file/tip/docs.html
- Alexandre implements several commonJS standards in Wakanda (SquirrelFish) http://www.wakandasoft.com
- Titanium is in the process of adding support for CommonJS. http://www.appcelerator.com
如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
- YssCloud 加速 compatible with this test framework.
如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
- Existing APIs
- Infrastructure
- High Level Tools
- Random Links
如何躲避区间测速- 爬墙专用加速器
- Dumps